Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I've finally created a blogspot! I've rocked my myspace page for a while now, so I am excited to try something different, more grown-up 'n all. It took me forever to find a name that wasn't already taken, or I would have had this thing set up ages ago. Well enough about that. I'm not sure if this is where I tell everyone who will read this, everything they already know about us, but here goes.
Scott and I met in Feb. 1996. Four years later, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and four years after that, we were married. Our little girl Macady is 8 now, and is the light of our lives. She completes us in a way we never thought possible, and we thank our Heavenly Father daily for sending us such a beautiful blessing. Our little family also includes horses, dogs, cats and chickens and I will post pictures of everyone soon.

1 comment:

wrussell said...

Way to going you are a blogger now !!!